The cultural voluntary service model called “Weaving relationships for the common good. A model that aims to develop volunteering in synergy with the territory” has been applied to the Verona Minor Hierusalem project. This model places the Person (volunteer or visitor) at the centre. In exchange for the time they donate, each of our volunteers receives multidisciplinary training that broadens their knowledge, increases their confidence, and allows them to better intercept the interest of visitors, weaving a relationship that makes both them and the people they welcome to our churches real protagonists.

In 2020 the Foundation offered its volunteers 295 hours of training: foreign language courses, theatre courses, 29 cultural webinars, and individual and personalized training meetings for each volunteer. Among the speakers were professionals, scholars, volunteers, tourist guides and teachers. The subjects ranged from foreign languages to digital training, from architecture to art and history, with a particular focus on technological innovation applied to the enjoyment of art.

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