San Lorenzo

The church of the two towers


Located along the ancient Via Postumia, the church of San Lorenzo is characterised by two massive round staircase towers, one at each side of the façade, which makes it one-of-a-kind in Italy and in Europe. When you enter the church, raise your eyes and look at the large upper galleries above the side aisles; the two round  towers in the façade give access to the upper floor.

The church is already mentioned in the Early Middle Ages, but what we see today is the result of a 12th century renovation. It underwent different changes during the ages, only to be returned to its original appearance in the 19th century.

San Lorenzo testifies to the vivacity of Veronese sanctity: St. Magdalene of Canossa was baptised in this church in 1774, and San Giovanni Calabria, who for a period had lived in the church’s upper galleries with his mother and brothers, celebrated his first Mass here in 1901.

Interesting facts

Part of the material used to build the characteristic two towers comes from the Arena of Verona.

General information

The church of San Lorenzo is part of the itinerary called “Rebirth from Earth. Verona, crossroads of civilizations, history and culture”. Admission is free thanks to the Verona Minor Hierusalem volunteers.

Opening times

Saturday: 10 am –  12:30 pm; 3 pm – 5.30 pm

Mass Schedule

Sunday Mass: 10.30 am – Saturday Mass: 6:30 pm; Daily Mass: 8 am

Address: Corso Cavour, 28 – 37121 Verona

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