Rebirth from Heaven.  From the testimony of Saints to Mozart’s music”  invites pilgrims and visitors to discover the churches  located in the multicultural district known as Veronetta: Santa Toscana, Santa Maria del Paradiso, San Tommaso, San Paolo and SS. Nazaro and Celso.

Following this entirely new route, you will step into medieval times, discovering the charm of the Templars walking down the same streets that led pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem to Verona.

The itinerary

Start your tour from the church of Santa Toscana, originally dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre, where pilgrims, on their way back from the Holy Land along the nearby Via Postumia, could once find accommodation and food; then move on to Santa Maria del Paradiso, nestled among the city alleys, and little known to the Veronese themselves. Here you will see one of the most interesting reliquaries in Europe, with thousands of relics for the devotion of the faithful! Nearby you will find the church of SS Nazaro e Celso, with the magnificent St Blaise’s chapel and precious paintings by great 16th century artists.

From the middle ages, on to the Renaissance: discover the church of S. Tommaso Cantuariense, dedicated to St Thomas Becket. Here you will see the 18th-century organ played by a very young Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on the occasion of a visit to Verona. On the same organ, the composer carved his initials, still visible today. The itinerary also includes the church of San Paolo in Campo Marzio, dedicated to the Apostle of the Gentiles: located inside the university area, the church was rebuilt after the bombardments of the Second World War, but it is still possible to see the beautiful altarpiece by Girolamo dei Libri, and a chapel with paintings by Paolo Veronese, Farinati and Bonsignori.

“Rebirth from Heaven” will be a journey into history and traditions: the Order of Templars, custodians of the faith, for example, or the great genius Mozart and his music, or the amazing reliquary that concentrates in one place the memory of thousands of saints. It will be like discovering the journey that man makes from earth to heaven:  if on earth travellers are supported by true faith and inspired by art, once in heaven, they will have reached their destination. Heaven, inhabited by saints and by Christian men and women who, with their example, have guided the faithful to live and keep their faith. Heaven, the celestial city, the longed-for Jerusalem, where total peace reigns and God is the “ all in all” (1Co 15,28).

The churches of Santa Toscana, Santa Maria del Paradiso, San Tomaso Cantuariense, San Paolo e Santi Nazaro e Celso are kept open by the Verona Minor Hierusalem volunteers, who will welcome visitors, pilgrims and tourists every Saturday from 10 am to 5:30 pm.

You can find educational material, the credential and the maps at each of our churches, or at the Verona Minor Hierusalem InfoPoint.

For further information, for group visits or guided tours, please email  and we will reply as soon as possible.


Discover the other itineraries

Rebirth from Heaven churches

Santa Toscana

Santa Maria del Paradiso

San Tomaso Cantuariense

San Paolo in Campo Marzio

Santi Nazaro e Celso

Walk, discover, contemplate
An ancient journey for a new vision

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