“Rebirth from Earth. Verona, crossroads of civilizations, history and culture” is the itinerary along the old Via Postumia, the road that ran through the heart of the Roman city and intersected the decumanus maximum.
You will see sacella, (Latin word for small places of worship), and crypts along a route rich in monuments: Roman ruins, the stunning Scaligeri castle and the majestic palazzi of Corso Cavour. This trip back in time will help you unearth the roots of our civilization and discover how the city has changed over time.
The itinerary includes six Veronese churches: San Zeno in Oratorio, San Lorenzo, Sante Teuteria and Tosca, Sant’Eufemia, San Giovanni in Foro and San Benedetto al Monte.

The itinerary
The itinerary begins in the small church of S. Zeno in Oratorio (not to be confused with the homonymous basilica, located further west). The church houses the rock on which, according to tradition, Zeno, the patron saint of Verona, used to sit when he fished by the river Adige. You will then walk past the Scaligeri Castle and the Roman Arco dei Gavi, and down Corso Cavour, where you will visit two precious churches: San Lorenzo, characterised by the two large, round towers of the façade and by the open upper-galleries, called ‘matronei’; and the sacellum of SS. Teuteria and Tosca, a small place of worship dedicated to two young women who lived between the 7th and 8th centuries. Continuing beyond Porta Borsari, you will find the church of Santa Eufemia, originally part of an Augustinian Monastery. You will then visit the small church of San Giovanni in Foro, located on one of the busiest streets in the centre of Verona, not far from Corte Sgarzerie, where we can still see the medieval Loggia where once the carding of the wool took place. The itinerary will end at the church of San Benedetto al Monte, located on the area where the Roman Capitol once stood. Its crypt has recently been restored and opened to visitors. Don’t miss it!
The churches of San Zeno in Oratorio San Lorenzo, Sante Teuteria e Tosca, Sant’Eufemia, San Giovanni in Foro e San Benedetto al Monte are kept open by the Verona Minor Hierusalem volunteers, who will welcome visitors, pilgrims and tourists every Saturday from 10 am to 5:30 pm.
You can find educational material, the credential and the maps at each of our churches, or at the Verona Minor Hierusalem InfoPoint.
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Rebirth from Earth churches

San zeno in oratorio

San Lorenzo

Sante Teuteria e Tosca


San Giovanni in Foro