San Pietro Martire

InfoPoint and seat of the VMH Foundation


As reported in his “Notizie storiche delle chiese di Verona”, Giambattista Biancolini, after a careful study of some notary deeds, theorized that the current church of San Pietro Martire might stand right on the foundations of the birthplace of the saint it is dedicated to, Pietro Rosini (1205-1252). Some benefactors would have bought the house and donated it to the Dominicans of the monastery of Sant’Anastasia.

The cornerstone of the church was placed in 1656 and a statue of St. Peter, previously kept in the saint’s house, was positioned above the portal. In a niche of the left altar,  another wooden statue by an unknown 16th-century sculptor represents Peter, his head gashed open by an axe, symbol of the martyrdom he suffered for fighting heretics.

In 1809 the church was included in the Napoleonic suppressions and was then used for other purposes (between 1827 and 1860 it even housed a bell foundry!) In 1861 the building was restored and reopened to worship, as the epigraph on the counter-façade reports. The last restoration dates back to 2006-2007 and it contributed to giving back light to the interior and the façade.

Today, the church of San Pietro Martire has become to all intents and purposes the InfoPoint and headquarters of Verona Minor Hierusalem: it is open to the public and it is here that our volunteers will be waiting for you to give you all the information you may need and our in-depth materials on the different itineraries!

General information

The church of San Pietro Martire is part of the itinerary called “Rebirth from Water. Verona Beyond the River”. Admission is free thanks to the Verona Minor Hierusalem volunteers.

Opening times

Thursday to Sunday: 10 am – 5.30 pm

Mass Schedule

Mass is not celebrated in this church.

Address: Via Sant’Alessio, 34 – 37129 Verona

For further information, please email

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